Design-a-Postcat Art Contest!
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 11:20:49 PM
Get your Postcat design in Shrine's Legacy!🐱
Postcats deliver all the mail in the world of Ardemia! Join this contest to make your own Postcat design that could appear in Shrine's Legacy!
Make it like a purrfect digital portrait or a cat-scratchingly fine pixel art piece! Or even a cool sketch that makes you meow with happiness. However you can do it, we'd love for you join the contest! 🐈
The best five Postcat designs (as decided by Alan and myself) will make it into the final game! The focus is on creativity and what we believe would look great and fun in the game more so than it is about raw art quality, so keep that in mind! So please join in even if you aren't the perfect artist. You could still win, especially if you have an awesome idea! The contest ends in four weeks on November 17th at 8PM EST.
Full rules below. And please share this image to help get the word around about the contest!:

Here's a template for a pixel art version of the cat how they currently appear in the game. Yup, they are small! By the way, if you come up with multiple designs, you are free to share as many as you want! If any one of them is selected, you'll still be counted as a contest winner!

Campaign Progress:

We're also at 63% funding right now! Pretty awesome! It's worth mentioning that we're down to the last two early birds for the Adventurer of Ardemia tier, so if you are interested in playing the beta before the final launch, make sure to grab it for the early bird discount while you still can!
This time around I want to shout out a great looking RPG title on Kickstarter called Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action. They have less than three days of their campaign remaining, so be sure to take a look while you have the chance!

As a Singer in a world without music, play with your band, date cyborgs & fight for Saturn's freedom in this Tactical Rhythm RPG inspired by the Mario RPGs and Chrono Trigger. The trailer is awesome, so be sure to click the campaign link at the bottom (or either of the pictures!) and check that out!

They JUST reached their Switch port stretch goal as of posting this update, and are on their way to the New Game + stretch goal which also adds more to the story! And they are also offering Physical copies and a Collector’s edition with Merch, as well as a Limited Edition special Jacket! Very Cool!
Support their Kickstarter campaign here: Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action
Until next time,